
Lets send a green house to a grey Moon

The Strong Box product from Out of the Box Astronautics Inc has three main objectives:

  1. Embark on a pioneering journey to bring the vibrancy of terrestrial plant life to the Moon’s stark, grey landscape. Our mission is to sustain life in an extraterrestrial environment for at least one week, capturing and sharing stunning images of thriving greenery against the Moon’s mystical backdrop with the world. This mission, code name ‘Lunar Lichen I’ is not just about proving survival, but also about inspiring awe and wonder.
  2. Lay the foundation for a lunar base by scaling our Strong Box from a compact 2 x 2 x 2 feet (60.9 x 60.9 x 60.9 cm) to an expansive 12 x 12 x 12 feet (365 x 365 x 365 cm). Utilize the formidable capabilities of the SpaceX Starship to accomplish this monumental task, signaling a new era of lunar colonization.
  3. Demonstrate the feasibility of a semi-hard lunar landing at approximately 100 mph (63 km/h), using only solid rocket engines, CO2 based cold gas thrusters, and camera-based computer vision. This innovative approach promises to revolutionize lunar exploration, offering a cost-effective, efficient, and thrilling new pathway to uncover the secrets of the Moon.

Lets send a green house to a grey Moon!

Strong Box Frame

Open Source OnShape 3D Model

The adoption of open source hardware offers numerous benefits for society and companies alike, providing a model that encourages innovation, collaboration, and accessibility:

The open source hardware movement has the potential to bring about significant social and economic benefits by fostering an open culture of sharing, learning, and collaboration. It aligns with broader trends towards openness and transparency in technology, contributing to a more equitable and innovative future.

For Society

  1. Promotes Innovation and Collaboration: Open source hardware fosters an environment where engineers, designers, and hobbyists can collaborate globally to improve designs and innovate. This collective effort accelerates the development of new technologies and solutions to real-world problems.
  2. Increases Accessibility: By making hardware designs freely available, open source hardware lowers the barriers to entry for individuals and small organizations who wish to create custom solutions or learn about hardware development. This democratizes technology, making it more accessible to people around the world, including those in resource-constrained environments.
  3. Educational Value: Open source hardware serves as a valuable learning tool for students and educators in STEM fields. It allows hands-on experience with real-world engineering projects, facilitating a deeper understanding of design principles, electronics, and manufacturing processes.
  4. Sustainability: The open source model encourages the sharing and reuse of hardware designs, which can lead to more sustainable practices. For example, designs can be iterated to be more energy-efficient, use fewer resources, or be easier to repair, reducing waste and environmental impact.

For Companies

  1. Reduces Development Costs: Leveraging existing open source designs can significantly reduce research and development costs. Companies can build upon the work already done by others, focusing their resources on customization and innovation rather than reinventing the wheel.
  2. Speeds Up Time to Market: With access to a wealth of open source hardware designs, companies can bring products to market more quickly. This rapid prototyping and development process is vital in industries where technology evolves quickly.
  3. Builds Community and Brand Loyalty: Companies that contribute to open source hardware projects can build a community of passionate users and developers around their products. This not only aids in improving the products through community feedback but also fosters a loyal customer base that values transparency and collaboration.
  4. Encourages Standardization: Open source hardware can help establish industry standards, making it easier for products to interoperate. This standardization can lead to broader adoption of new technologies and can drive innovation within the industry.
  5. Risk Mitigation: By using and contributing to open source hardware, companies can mitigate the risk of dependency on single suppliers for proprietary components. This open ecosystem can provide more flexibility and security in supply chains.

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Mark Twain

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